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Visiting Kidz Therapy under the Covid-19 Protection Framework

New Zealand is moving to the new Covid-19 Traffic Light system on Friday 3rd December.  You can find out more information on what each level involves here.

This means that when you or your tamariki visit us at our Morningside centre, there will be new regulations in place to ensure that we meet all necessary Government health and safety guidelines.

Vaccination Requirements for in person appointments

At Kidz Therapy, our priority is ensuring the health and safety of our clients and staff when on site at our Morningside centre. As such, effective from Friday the 3rd of December, we will require all clients aged 12 and over and all staff members to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

We have chosen to take this precaution due to the closeness and intimate nature of our services. While all efforts will be undertaken to ensure 1m physical distancing, at times, this may not be possible during certain activities that are essential to the psychotherapy process and learning assessments.

Being a child and family health service, we also cater to a large number of clients who are not yet eligible for any vaccinations. A large part of our decision was based on the need to provide the safest possible environment for those aged 11 and younger.

We understand that vaccinations aren’t guaranteed to stop the spread of Covid-19 but they are proven to limit the severity of the virus and it’s spread.

How do you get a Covid-19 vaccination?

If you have not yet had the opportunity to get your Covid-19 vaccination, you can book through the Book my Vaccine website.

What happens if you are not vaccinated?

We understand that some people may choose not to get vaccinated. It is your right to choose what is best for you and we respect your decision. However, please understand that you will not be able to undertake any in person appointments with us.

Medical exemptions will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If you have a medical exemption, please provide a medical certificate from your doctor or other medical professional.

Children under 12 years of age, who do not yet qualify for the vaccine are able to attend in person appointments. However, we ask that any parents or caregivers that accompany under 12 year olds to appointments are double vaccinated. Parents and / or caregivers will need to provide proof of vaccination status before their children’s face to face appointments can take place.

Covid-19 Health Protocols for in person appointments

​In addition to requiring clients aged 12 and over to be vaccinated, we have also put in place the following health protocols for in person appointments at Kidz Therapy

  • We request that you and your child wear a mask if he/she/they are over 12 years of age
  • Parents / caregivers and children are asked to sanitise their hands on arrival at the Kidz Therapy offices
  • Please sign in using the QR code or the manual sign in sheet provided
  • Practice social distancing at all times
  • Children are asked to bring their own pens, paper, pencils and felt pens to sessions as we cannot provide shared resources
  • In order to limit the number of people at the Kidz Therapy centre, we ask that you drop your child off for their appointment. At present, we are unable to offer spaces for parents to wait on site.

If you are a new client starting with us or are resuming face to face appointments for the first time, we require the Kidz Therapy Health Form to be completed:

Kidz Therapy Health Agreement

The form should be completed and forwarded
two working days prior to your first appointment. In the event you or your child shows flu like symptoms prior to and up to two weeks after the visit, please inform us immediately via:

If you have regular weekly appointments with one of our therapists, we require the Kidz Therapy Health form to be filled out once every 2 weeks. If you would prefer to fill in a hard copy version, your therapist can provide this before the start of your appointment.

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